Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Returning From the Depths

Greetings, friends!  Like the many-armed kraken who slumbers in the crushing depths waiting to awaken and signal the End of Days or shill for a mid-range spiced rum, this blog has resurfaced.  Why?  Good question.  It may have something to do with how your faithful editor is experiencing post-law school: by being unemployed.  Or it could be that energies are being marshaled to assist a new batch of prospective attorneys waste time when they're not confronting the mythologically harrowing scourge that is the Bar.  Perhaps this is a False Flag (in case you haven't heard, everything is a False Flag).  Competing theories abound, perpetuated by nobody really.

Anyway, we're back for a while to help you avoid doing something more meaningful, like learning that Adverse Possession statute or representing indigent clients or quietly weeping as yet another resume goes into the electronic ether to be ignored by doc reviewer staffers and firms looking for paralegals (I'm a lawyer!  I can file!).

Prepare for links that have been covered by better blogs, unearned punchlines in the form of animated .gifs, and rants that are more or less pro forma for the unemployed.  Sit in the corner, put your headphones on, and act interested.

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